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Ashley Jane

“Some words were like that. Whole lives attached to them. Ghosts and lives and ecstasy and sorrow.”

Currently reading

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré

Endless Knight

Endless Knight - Kresley Cole YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES!!!!!


If she doesn't want Aric I will happily take him off her hands!!! This is definitely one for the book boyfriend pile!!

love love loved this book! I was so upset when I finished this, knowing I have to wait sooo long for the next one!

Loved everything about the book. The twist that happened with Jack was fantastic. I am praying to the book gods that Evie ends up with Aric (or in other words the Empress with Death). Not sure if I was the only one that thought Evie and Jack's relationship was odd? It will be interesting to find out what happens with their relationship in the third book. I'm hoping Jack turns out to be a minor Arcana card.

This book caught me completely by surprise with how good it is and I love it! Safe to say I will probably be reading this one again!